E40/E60 Electrolyser Test Station

> Analytical & Material Science> Energy> Electrolyser Testing> E40/E60 Electrolyser Test Station

E40/E60 Electrolyser Test Station

E40/E60 Electrolyser Test Station

For testing electrolysers up to 2kW.

  • Emerald control and automation software control for electrolysis R&D
  • Anode and cathode pressure control up to 30barg (50barg optional)
  • Stack pre-pressurization
  • Nitrogen safety purge
  • DI water supply and thermal regulation (via recirculation)
  • Cell voltage monitoring
  • Data acquisition system (pressure and temperature monitoring)
  • Integrated programmable power supply with constant current/voltage
  • Integrated fume hood with H2 detection
  • Applications for PEM, AEM and Alkaline electrolysis technologies


  • 50cm², 50barg cell test hardware
  • Anode and cathode product gas analysers
  • Impedance spectroscopy
  • Cyclic and linear sweep voltammetry